Autumn/Winter Newsletter 2014

The 2014 year is finished for Ibex Trex Walking Holidays with just a few self guided groups to walk in the autumnal sunshine. We have had a great year and met loads of new and interesting people who have all enjoyed their holidays with us.

We have all our 2015 dates live and we are taking bookings for all our holidays. So get booking early!!

Walking In Blossom is booking up with only 4 places left on the 26/02

If you are a returning walker with us we will offer you a50 Euro discount off any of our holidays.

See our 2015 Date & Prices

Iceland Trip 2015

We have the itinerary and dates set for the much anticipated Iceland trip. Keep the dates June 27 - July 4 free if you would like to join this bespoke walking holiday in the beautiful country of Iceland.

You can see more infromation and the full intinerary on our webpage here - Iceland Trip.

If you have any questions regarding this trip or any other trip pleasecontact us

Federico Garcia Lorca Grave Might Have Been Found

THE grave of famous poet Federico Garcia Lorca may soon be uncovered as archaeologists embark on a grave hunt for Civil War victims near Granada.

Radar will be used to sound 300 sq. m. of the a hillside in the Peñón Colorado near the city with work starting on November 17 and lasting 14 days.

Lorca is believed to have been executed by members of General Franco’s militia (aged 38) and buried near the area at the start of the Spanish Civil War on August 18 1936.

The location of his grave is considered as one of the Civil War’s great mysteries.

A budget of €15,000 has been allocated to the project and the Junta’s General Director of Democratic Memory, Luis Naranjo, has insisted that the search is aimed at all victims, not just Lorca.

Lorca was the youngest member of the influential poet group Generation of ’27 which had its first formal meeting in Sevilla in 1927.

He was a poet, playwright, and theatre director, best known for his poetry collections ‘Poet in New York’, ‘Gypsy Ballads’ and tragedies such as ‘Blood wedding’.

Thanks To Everyone

We would like to thank all our customers for their business in 2014 and we hope to keep growing and keep providing excellent walking holidays in the forthcoming year.

We want to keep looking for new areas in Spain and we are always open to suggestions from people.

Kindest regards,

Dan Shaffrey

Ibex Trex Walking Holidays


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