Spring/Summer 2014 Newsletter

We would like to thank all our clients/friends/walkers for a great time and we hope you had a good a time as we did.

After a our busiest and most successful Spring season yet, we are now planning for our Autumn/Fall season.

We have several weeks already filling up and lots of self guided walkers coming to Grazalema and the Sierra Nevada.

We would like to offer a 5% discount off of any of our Autumn holidays including our self guided holidays to all our newsletter readers.
If you want to know more about our self guided walking holidays please go to our website and browse through our holidays.

Our guided Autumn dates are on the right and if you have any questions about any of our holidays please feel free to contact us.

We have  got some excellent contacts in Iceland and are considering organising a walking holiday over there in 2015 - would anybody be interested?


Dan Shaffrey

Jose Maria "El Tempranillo"
The legend of the bandit "bandalero" Jose Maria, is still celebrated today in Grazalema. fiesta in October.
A young man who killed when he was 15 and took to the Sierra De Ronda to evade execution.
He rallied a band of men who stole from rich travelers and landowners and then paid handsomely for shelter and food from the poor of the region. He gained his legend for being a courteous, brave and handsome robber.
He evaded the kings army for several years and his legend grew. He ran the lands from Ronda to Lucena before he met his wife who died in child birth whilst under attack from the kings men. He tied the new born baby to his back and fled to Grazalema, where the baby as baptized. Jose Maria was pardoned by the king and he became a protector of Andalcuia in 1832, he hunted other robbers and bandits in the area before
El Tempranillo was shot by his own men in 1833 at the age of 20 years old.

To see our Grazalema self guided walking holiday click here
Santa rita, 8 , Narila, Granada, 18448, Spain  Phone: (0044) 113 815 1181
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Latest Testimonial
Just returned from our second walking holiday in Spain with Ibex Trex. Another brilliant week spent in  a wonderful part of the country,Grazalema and Ronda. The walking was great as was the weather, and the hotels we stayed in were excellent. Thanks to Dan and team for introducing us to this lovely area. The holiday was greatly enjoyed by all our members. We look forward to the next one.
Kate Taylor. Arnside Ramblers
Grazalema, June 2014



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